Computer Science & Engineering
Three decade old department located in the IT Highway which bridges academic and industry, by offering industry 4.0 collaborated courses.
About Us
The Computer Science & Engineering programme bridges theory and practice, by offering courses in the recent trends of hardware and software technologies and their applications. The programme is designed to equip students with the fundamental understanding and practical skills required for the potential leaders of the demanding IT profession.
To develop the practical skills of a student, the majority of courses within the programme are linked with practical work. The laboratory has a large network of up-to-date workstations and computers and the network is accessible from the class rooms and student rooms through the internet. The specialisations offered along with B.Tech CSE programme are Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in collaboration with IBM, Internet of Things(IoT) and Data Science which are the courses pertaining to Industry 4.0 standards.
Vision & Mission
To excel in Computer Science and Engineering education, research, project management by empowering the students with strong conceptual knowledge.
M1:To educate the students with basic foundation blocks of core and allied disciplines of Computer Science and Engineering.
M2:To provide practical skills in the advancements of the Computer Science and Engineering field required for the growing dynamic IT and ITES industries.
M3:To sculpt strong personal, technical, research, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills.
M4:To inculcate knowledge in lifelong learning, professional ethics and contribution to the society.
On completion of the B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering degree the graduates will be able to
PSO1: Apply mathematical, conceptual knowledge of computing and analytical skills to solve complex problems.
PSO2: Design and develop computer systems based on the domains of Cyber Physical Systems, Algorithm Design Techniques and Enterprise systems security.
PSO3: Do innovative system design with analytical knowledge by developing modern tools and techniques. -
The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the Computer Science and Engineering are listed below: The graduate after 3-5 years of programme completion will
PEO1: Excel in his/her professional career and/or pursue higher education including research by applying the knowledge of Computer Science and Engineering.
PEO2: Demonstrate the technical skills to analyze and design appropriate solutions for problems with social consciousness and ethical values.
PEO3: Adapt themselves to organizational needs by understanding the dynamically changing technologies.
Coder’s Hub I and II Laboratory
CodeChef was created as a platform to help programmers make it big in the world of algorithms, and programming contests. At CodeChef we work hard to revive the geek in you by hosting a programming contest at the start of the month and another smaller programming challenge in the middle of the month. We also aim to have training sessions and discussions related to algorithms, binary search, technicalities like array size and the likes.
IBM CCV Laboratory
Industry collaborated courses like Cloud Computing & Virtualization, Business Analytics & Optimization, IT Infrastructure & Management and Cloud Computing Architecture are offered.
BOSS MOOL Laboratory
BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions) is a GNU/Linux distribution developed by C-DAC, Chennai in order to benefit the usage of Free/Open Source Software in India. The students and staff to use MOOL and BOSS and develop many open source components and drivers. Provide iternships with IIT-M.
The Mark Zuckerberg Data Science Laboratory was inaugurated by His Excellency, Mr. Juan Rolanda Angula Monsalve, Ambassador of the Republic of Chile to India. The facility aims to provide skills training in the field of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Business intelligence, Big Data Analytics and many more. The ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director, Dr. R. W. Alexander Jesudasan, Pro Vice Chancellor; Dr. Thangakumar, Head, Department of Computer Science Engineering and the staff and students. Pic of lab is attached.

Millennium Laboratory
Organized workshops on Networking and Train the Trainer Programme. Staff members are D-Link certified .Realigned syllabus with inputs from D-Link.

Our Programmes
Computer Science & Engineering
B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering programme bridges theory and practice, by offering courses in the recent trends i.e., in industry 4.0 standards
check_boxIBM Specialized Programmes
The confluence of academia and industries is inevitable. CSE have come out with a novel solution of running courses aligned with industrial leader IBM.
check_boxAI & Data Science
B.Tech AI & Data Science has gain prominence in recent years. A study of US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the there will be 11.5 million job openings by the year 2026.
check_boxPostgraduate Programme
The Master’s in Computer Science and Engineering programme aims at equipping the graduates, with advanced conceptual knowledge, technical skills and ability
check_boxDiploma Programmes
Computer and communication technologies have become the key ingredients and backbone to support mission critical infrastructure services in various sectors.
check_boxPh.D Programmes
Computer and communication technologies have become the key ingredients and backbone to support mission critical infrastructure services in various sectors.
Our Research
Awards & Achievements
Project Contest
Semester Exchange
Industrial Visit
Media Publications
E: cse@hindustanuniv.ac.in
P: +91-44-2747 4262(Ext:140)
No.1, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Padur, (Via) Kelambakkam, Chennai - 603 103,